10 Fun Activities to Do with Your Pup on National Puppy Day 2023

Are you looking for ways to celebrate National Puppy Day 2023 with your furry best friend? Look no further! We’ve compiled a list of 10 fun activities that will keep you and your pup entertained all day long. From outdoor adventures to indoor games, there’s something for every type of dog and owner. So grab your pup and get ready for a day full of tail-wagging fun!

Introduction to National Puppy Day

Observed each year on March 23rd, National Puppy Day celebrates the unconditional love and affection puppies bring to our lives. Their cuddles and wiggles make us smile and without a doubt, there are squeals of delight when there are puppies around.

National Puppy Day is a day to celebrate our furry little friends and to promote puppy adoption. Here are some fun activities you can do with your pup to celebrate:

  • Go for a walk or hike together. Getting some exercise is always a good way to spend time together.
  • Have a picnic in the park. Make sure to bring along some of your pup’s favorite treats!
  • Go to the dog park and socialize with other pups. This is a great way for your pup to make new friends and burn off some energy.
  • Make homemade dog treats together. There are lots of recipes online that are both easy and delicious.
  • Spend some time cuddling on the couch. This is a great way to bond with your pup and show them how much you love them

10 Fun Activities to Do with Your Pup

Assuming you are talking about a young puppy and want to get fun together. Here are few fun activities you can do together:

  1. Go to a dog-friendly park and let your pup explore! Just be sure to keep an eye on them at all times and clean up after them.
  2. Have a picnic in your backyard! Spread out a blanket, put out some of your pup’s favorite snacks and toys, and enjoy the day together.
  3. Go for a walk or run around your neighborhood – get some fresh air and exercise while spending quality time with your furry friend. Just be sure not to overdo it if it’s hot outside.
  4. Have a doggy play date! Invite a friend with a well-behaved dog over and let the pups play together while you chat with the other owner.
  5. Teach your pup some new tricks! Not only is this fun for both of you, but it’s also great for their cognitive development. Try simple commands like sit, stay, come, down, etc.

Take a Hike

We all know how much our pups love a good walk. Why not take advantage of National Puppy Day and take them on a hike? This is a great activity for both you and your pup, and it’s a perfect way to get some exercise in while spending quality time together.

There are a few things to keep in mind when hiking with your pup. First, make sure you consult the trail map before setting out so that you can choose a route that is appropriate for your pup’s fitness level. You don’t want to overdo it and end up with a tired, grumpy pup on your hands.

Second, be prepared for anything by bringing along water and snacks for both you and your pup, as well as a first-aid kit. And third, remember to pack up any waste material so that you can dispose of it properly when you get home – nobody likes a messy hiker!

Now that you’re all set, enjoy exploring the great outdoors with your furry friend by your side.

Go on a Picnic

One of the best things you can do to celebrate National Puppy Day is to go on a picnic with your furry friend! This is a great activity for both of you to enjoy – your pup will love being outdoors, and you’ll get to spend some quality time together in nature.

There are a few things to keep in mind when planning your picnic, though. First, make sure you choose a location that’s dog-friendly – many parks and green spaces have areas where dogs are not allowed. Second, pack everything you need for both of you – plenty of water, food and treats for your pup, and any toys or games you might want to play. And finally, don’t forget about the cleanup – bring along some plastic bags to pick up after your pup.

With these tips in mind, you’re ready to have a paw-fect day out with your puppy!

Have a Spa Day

There’s no better way to relax and pamper yourself than with a spa day, and what could make it even better? Spending it with your pup! Whether you want to go all out and get massages, facials, and pedicures, or just stick to some at-home treatments, there are plenty of ways to incorporate your four-legged friend into your day of relaxation. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Have a Spa Day: Go ahead and treat yourself to a day at the spa! Most spas will be happy to accommodate you and your pup if you give them a call in advance. And if you’re worried about leaving your pup alone, many spas offer doggy daycare services so you can enjoy your treatments worry-free.
  2. At-Home Spa Day: Can’t make it to the spa? No problem! You can still enjoy all the relaxing benefits of a spa day right in your own home. Just light some candles, put on some soothing music, and give yourself (and your pup!) a little extra love with at-home massages, facials, etc.
  3. Go for a Swim: One of the best ways to relax is by taking a dip in the pool (or even just a nice hot bath). And what’s more fun than swimming with your pup? If you don’t have access to a pool, lakes and rivers are great alternative spots for do

Play Fetch

Fetch is a classic game that is enjoyed by both dogs and their owners. It’s a great way to bond with your pup while also getting them some exercise. To play fetch, simply throw a ball or Frisbee for your dog to chase after. They will bring it back to you and you can then throw it again. This game can be played indoors or outdoors, depending on your preference.

Take Him/Her Swimming

Swimming is a great activity for both you and your pup! It’s a great way to cool off on a hot day, and it’s also excellent exercise. If you don’t have a pool of your own, many public pools allow dogs during specific hours. Check with your local pool to see if they allow furry visitors before you take the plunge!

Try Out Agility Training

Agility training is a great way to have fun with your pup while also giving them some much-needed exercise. There are many different agility courses available, so you can find one that suits your pup’s needs and level of fitness.

If you’re not sure where to start, there are plenty of online resources that can help you get started with agility training. You can also find classes at many local dog parks or through private trainers. Agility training is a great way to bond with your pup while also getting them fit and active.

Teach Your Dog Tricks

Teaching your dog tricks is a great way to spend some quality time with your furry friend. Not only will you be able to bond with your pup, but you’ll also get to see their personality shine through as they learn new things.

To start, choose a trick that you think your dog would enjoy learning. Once you’ve decided on a trick, break it down into small, manageable steps. For example, if you want to teach your dog how to roll over, start by having them lie down on their side. Then, slowly guide them through the motion of rolling over until they’ve mastered it.

Reward your dog after each successful step with plenty of treats and praise. This will help reinforce good behavior and keep your pup motivated to learn more tricks. With a little patience and practice, you’ll be able to teach your dog all sorts of fun tricks that will make National Puppy Day even more special for both of you!

Have a Photo Shoot

Get your pup all dressed up and have a mini photo shoot! This is a great activity to do if you want to get some cute pictures of your puppy, and it’s also a fun way to bond with your furry friend. You can set up a little makeshift studio in your home, or take your pup out to a nearby park or other scenic location. Either way, make sure you snap plenty of pictures so you can always remember this special day.

Go Camping or Glamping

Assuming you have a pup that loves the outdoors, camping or glamping (glamorous camping) is the perfect way to celebrate National Puppy Day! If you’ve never been camping or glamping before, there are a few things you should know before heading out. First, make sure your pup is up to date on all their shots and has been checked by a vet for any health concerns. You’ll also want to pack plenty of food and water, as well as some toys and chews to keep your pup entertained. Finally, be sure to do your research on the best campsites for dogs – some campgrounds don’t allow dogs, or have restrictions on where they can go.

Once you’ve got everything sorted, it’s time for some fun! Camping and glamping with your pup is a great way to bond and explore the great outdoors together. There are endless possibilities for adventure, so get out there and enjoy National Puppy Day with your furry friend!

Organize a Puppy Play Date

Puppy play dates are a great way to socialize your pup and have some fun! Here are some tips to make sure your puppy play date is a success:

  • Choose a good time and place: Pick a time when both you and your pup are free, and choose a place where there is plenty of space for pups to run around.
  • Invite friends with compatible pups: Make sure to invite friends whose pups are around the same age and size as yours, so that everyone can have a good time.
  • Bring along some toys: Puppies love to play, so bring along some of their favorite toys to keep them entertained.
  • Be prepared for accidents: Puppies are still learning how to control their bladder, so accidents are bound to happen. Be sure to bring along some paper towels or wipes in case of any accidents.
  • Have fun!: This is the most important tip of all – remember to relax and have fun! Your pup will pick up on your energy, so if you’re having a good time, they will too.


We hope that our list of 10 fun activities to do with your pup on National Puppy Day has given you some ideas for how to spend the day celebrating your furry best friend. Remember, there are no wrong answers when it comes to spending time with your pup – whatever makes them happy is sure to make the both of you happy! So grab a leash, find a park and make some memories with your four-legged pal this National Puppy Day 2023.